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Writer's picturePastor Mike

June 05 2021

Today, Saturday June 5

In Him We Have Everything

Colossians 2:10-13 “And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses,”

You can’t help but notice the number of times in this passage that Paul reminds the saints at Colossae that they are “in Him”, and also “with Him”.

Paul was not only warning the saints there about the deceitful and vain philosophies of the false teachers that promise you everything but leave you empty, he was warning them about the religious legalism that can also steal your joy and freedom that you have in Christ alone.

The devil’s lie from the very beginning is that God is holding something back from you. That is basically what he deceived Eve with. “God has restricted you from eating from this tree because when you eat the fruit from it, you will be as wise as God, and be like Him, and then you can decide for yourself what is right and wrong.

The devil is using the same tactics and lies today to make you think that God doesn’t really love you and you need something more than Christ alone! That is what Paul is dealing with in verses 10 through 17.

That is why the “in Him” and “with Him” in this passage! The circumcision of vs. 11 is not the physical circumcision of Christ as a child (Luke 2:21), but rather His death on the cross. All that we need has been accomplished by Christ on the Cross!!!! It was on the cross that He suffered and took away our sins!

Paul is saying, “Your spiritual circumcision in Christ and with Christ is far more wonderful than physical rituals!” Paul states, “Why replace Christ with Moses? Why have a physical cutting instead of a spiritual operation on your heart? Circumcision removes a fragment of the flesh from the body, but our identification and union with Christ puts off the whole fleshly nature.”

By the Holy Spirit, we have been baptized into His body. We have died with Him, and we are risen with Him! Satan has been completely defeated (v. 15); therefore enjoy the liberty you have in Christ. Wow!!!! And this is for us today too!

God bless!

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