Tuesday January 28
The Lord is so amazing!!!!! Thanks for all your prayers!!!!! Literally, and honestly, we can feel your prayers that give us peace, strength, and grace for this journey with Luke! I did not go into the appointment with Kimberly and Luke and Dr. Warf, but waited in the reception room while they were in with him. I could immediately tell from Kimberly's countenance and excitement that the visit went very well.
Here is her update on the visit:
That visit was worth every second of the 11 hour drive here and then 11 hours back! I feel so encouraged by Dr. Warf’s recommendations!
Bc in all honesty, I feel like we had hit a brick wall and were running out of options with Luke’s shunt/hydrocephalus. Something I have shed many tears about and cried out to Jesus about on many occasions.
He would like for us to follow up with the neurosurgeon we saw at UVA as she may be able to perform some things that Carilion may not. He did also diagnosis Luke with secondary microcephaly.
We are heading to PA to spend the night with my Aunt and Uncle and then head back home tomorrow. It will be nice, especially for Luke, to break the trip up.
I cannot thank you enough for your prayers and your support and for being Luke’s biggest fans. I feel more hopeful for the future than I have in a really long time.
Thank you, Jesus, for working all things out for YOUR good.
Kimberly Grooms Shaffer