Today, Sunday February 14
Romans 8:1-8
These first eight verses of Romans 8 actually form the conclusion to the argument in chapter 7. We need to keep in mind, that in chapter 7, Paul is dealing with the problem of how the believer can ever do anything good when he has such a sinful nature. How can a holy God ever accept anything we do when we have “no good thing” dwelling in us? It would seem that God would have to condemn every thought and deed!
Romans 7 is the “I” chapter, but thank the Lord, Romans 8 is the “Spirit” and the “no condemnation” chapter, because of the indwelling Holy Spirit fulfilling the righteousness of the Law in us. The Law cannot condemn us because we are dead to the Law. God will not condemn us, for now the Holy Spirit enables us to “walk in the Spirit” and thereby meet God’s holy demands.
It is glorious day in our life, when we realize, that as God’s children we are not under the Law, and that God does not expect us to do “good works” in the power of our old nature.
May the Lord help us today to understand that we are not under the condemnation of the law but now we have the indwelling Holy Spirit within us to please God and do those things that bring glory to His Name!
Paul reminded the Galatians of the same thing when he wrote: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage!”
Amen! And God Bless!