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April 14 2021

Writer's picture: Pastor MikePastor Mike

Today, Wednesday April 14

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Romans 14:17-19

“For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men. Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.”

Romans 14 is quickly climbing into my list of favorite chapters in this wonderful book. What are my favorite chapters? Well, since you asked, Romans 6, 8, and 12. And now, chapter 14!

Remember we started this section of scripture asking the question, “Why can’t we all just get along with each other?” This passage (Romans 14:1-15:7) gives us at least three reasons how we can do that! We welcome and receive each other despite our differences (14:1-12). We build up one another by doing those things that make for peace (14:13-23). And finally, we seek to please one another rather than ourselves (15:1-7).

Today, Paul reminds us what the main thing is in the kingdom of God! For sure, it not the things that are external, like what we can eat or drink, where we can go or can’t go, what version of the Bible we read, or what music we listen to or can’t listen to.

God’s kingdom is identified by at least three things that are internal and Eternal, and will show up externally. “Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit!” Remember the whole book of Romans is about the “righteousness of God’. How we can obtain it by faith and not by works and how it gives us a “right standing” before a Holy God.

When we genuinely have God’s Righteousness in Jesus Christ alone, the evidence is the peace and joy that we personally experience and can share with others! So, instead of arguing about what is right and wrong and trying to impose my preferences on others, I have a heart to pursue those things that make for peace and that build up my fellow believers!

May the Lord help us to keep the main thing the main thing today!

God bless!

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