365 Ways to Know God by Elmer Towns
(Devotional Readings on the Names of God)
January 25
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness.
The Holy Spirit is the Oil of gladness. The Lord said, “I see the oppression of My people, I hear their cry, I know their sorrows” (see Exodus 3:7). Just as the Lord knew and identified with the suffering of His people in Moses’ day, He knows your troubles today. He is Oil, who can pour Himself into your wounds; He can make you rejoice.
Lord, Your healing Oil is good. Rejuvenate my Spirit and take
away the scars of my mind. Just as Your Oil takes away physical
pain, I also want You to take away mental and spiritual memories.
Let Your Oil wash away the impurities in my wounds, and
cleanse me physically and mentally.
The Holy Spirit is Oil; when He pours His presence on your discouragement, you’ll have new
zeal to live for God and new strength to serve Him. You will rejoice! The Holy Spirit is Oil; when He pours His presence on your failures, you’ll see new opportunities in your life, you’ll grow. He is Oil, washing away your impurities that fester and breed germs; you can be whole again. He is Oil, giving you a second chance and a new opportunity. Let the Oil of the Holy Spirit give you a new challenge this day.
Lord, Your Oil has made me a new person. My hurt is gone, my body is
renewed for service; and my soul is again made whole. Thank You for
today’s anointing. I’ll need a new one tomorrow. Amen.
Reading: Hebrews 1:1-9
Key Thoughts: The anointing of the Holy Spirit gives happiness and healing.