365 Ways to Know God by Elmer Towns
(Devotional Readings on the Names of God)
February 11
He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest;
and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.
Luke 1:32
Jesus is the Son of the Highest, as no human can be. The name “Most High” in the original Hebrew language is El Elyon, which means “Possessor of heaven and earth” (Genesis 14:19). Originally, Lucifer wanted to be “like the Most High (God)” (Isaiah 14:14), the ruler of Heaven and Earth. Notice the word “like”. Lucifer could never have become the actual Most High God; that is a title and position that only God can possess. Since Jesus is the Father’s Son, He is the Son of the Highest, or the Son of the Most High. One of the many reasons to worship the Father is because He possesses Heaven and earth. Therefore, worship Jesus because He is the Son of the Highest.
Jesus, I worship You as The Son of the Highest.
Rule my heart today, just as You rule Heaven and Earth.
The heavenly Father is El Elyon; He possesses all things, but He gives it to Jesus. When Jesus sent His disciples out to serve, He said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18). He sends you to serve Him today with the same authority. “Go make disciples” (see Matthew 28:19). His promise to you is, “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). So serve the Lord with confidence, knowing You have the Lord’s power and presence with you today.
Jesus, it is thrilling to know that You, the Son of the Highest,
will be with me today. Use me in your service; give me the
power of Your authority and presence. Amen.
Reading: Luke 1:26-33
Key Thought: You have the backing of Jesus’ authority as you serve Him.