365 Ways to Know God by Elmer Towns
(Devotional Readings on the Names of God)
February 05
Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian,
Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all.
Colossians 3:11
Jesus is the All and in All. When you become a member of His church, the Body, you are
equal with all other believers. He indwells all believers, no matter who they are. He is ready to answer all prayers equally, no matter who prays. He protects, guides, blesses, and uses all believers, no matter their ethnic or economic background. All who are members of His Body have equal rights, and to each Jesus is their All and in All. No one is lost or overlooked. You’ll always have access to all that Jesus wants to give you. Will you claim it? You’ll never be left behind, nor will He exalt anyone over another. You are special to Jesus and He loves you eternally. Jesus is all you would want, in all situations, at all times. Will you be satisfied with Him?
Lord, forgive me when I whine over things that don’t matter and that
aren’t necessary. Help me see clearly Your care for me, and help
me experience deeply Your love.
Jesus is all you have ever needed; and when you trust Him, He’ll be all you’ll ever want. To find satisfaction in life, look to the things that are important, and forget about the things that are not important.
Lord, You are the most important One in my life. Forgive me
when I’ve given You second place. You are my All, and in All.
Teach me to look beyond people, things and places,
so I can have satisfaction in You. Amen.
Reading: Psalm 149
Key Thoughts: Jesus should be the most important person in your life